Schwarzarbeit – illegal work in Germany

You have all heard the stories about exploitation and illegal work in Germany


This is a topic that could be written endlessly. So many people contact us with the problem of illegal work and fraud. In case you came to Germany and started working unregistered, you are just as liable before the law as the person who hired you.


If you are caught, you can expect a fine of up to €5,000, if you repeat the offense, you can expect a prison sentence of up to one year.


Other problems?

If you have registered residence in Germany and do not have an employment contract, you probably do not have health insurance either. You can expect a bill of several thousand euros.

In case of injury at work, you do not have social security.

With such employers, you generally work “as long as there is work”, not as long as your shift lasts.

You are probably underpaid and your hours are still being stolen. You have to beg for your salary, and don’t count or count partially on your last salary when you leave. You are more their slave than a worker.

Run away from them as soon as possible!

What to do?

Report, sue or something else? Without an employment contract, you can’t do anything. The easiest thing is to leave.

If you go and report to your employer that you have not been paid, you will be told that you have to file a private lawsuit.


Apply and get hired at one of the agencies (Zeitfirmi). Work at Zeitfirma is not ideal, but it is better than working illegally. Our people are often told that they cannot get a job in agencies because they do not know German. It’s not true, there is such a shortage of workers that you start working in just a few days.

Anyone who has a problem with an employer, contact us and we will try to find a solution.


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