Mutterschutz – maternity protection (pregnancy complications) in Germany

This is a measure to protect pregnant women (Motherhood Protection - Mutterschutz) 6 weeks before childbirth and 8 weeks after the birth of the child.

Who is entitled to maternity leave?

Every woman in Germany who is pregnant or breastfeeding has the right to maternity leave.

What types of maternity benefits are there?

  1. Maternity leave – Muttershutzlohn
  2. Maternity leave from the state health insurance – Mutterschaftsgeld der gesetzlichen Krankenkasse
  3. Maternity leave from social security – Mutterschaftsgeld des Bundesamtes für Soziale Sicherung
  4. Employer’s allowance for maternity allowance – Arbeitgeber-Zuschuss zum Mutterschaftsgeld


What maternity benefits can you get?

It depends on a couple of factors:


  • health insurance
  • type of employment
  • are you on maternity leave?

How much can maternity leave compensation amount to and how long is it paid for?

The social allowance for maternity leave is €210, the allowance from the statutory health insurance is €13 per day, and the employer’s allowance is over €13, up to an average of the last 3 net salaries.

How are you protected at work in case of pregnancy?

  • you are protected from dismissal from the beginning of pregnancy, up to 4 months after the birth of the child.
  • no overtime
  • no work on Saturdays and Sundays
  • no work with chemicals
  • no legwork

When to inform the employer about pregnancy?

There is no deadline, only when you think it should be.

What to do in case of job cancellation?

The employer may not give you a notice of dismissal, but if you are fired, the appeal deadline is 3 weeks, and in case the employer did not know about the pregnancy, the appeal deadline is 2 weeks.


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