Jobcenter or Hartz 4 – unemployment benefit II in Germany

These are the three most common names: Arbeitlosengeld II, Hartz IV or just Jobcenter

What is it about?

These are one of the social assistance measures in case you are no longer receiving Unemployment Benefit (Arbeitlosengeld I), and you are looking for a job or are employed, and your income is below a certain minimum limit prescribed by the subsistence law.

How to get compensation and what conditions must be met?

By going and registering in “Jobcentar”. Conditions to be fulfilled:

  1. Residence in Germany
  2. Ability to work (at least 3 hours a day)
  3. Income below the subsistence level (table below)


What other benefits do you get from receiving these benefits?

  1. If you are the recipient of these benefits, you are exempt from the mandatory television Beitragsservice (ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice) payment
  2. Jobcenter pays for your accommodation and accommodation costs
  3. You can submit a request for furnishing the apartment (Erstausstattung bei Hartz IV)
    After you find an apartment, they will pay the required deposit.
  4. If you are moving and you have to pay rent for both apartments, they will even pay that.
  5. You have additional justified expenses (They approve interest-free loans/credits – Hartz IV Darlehen). For example, your electricity is turned off.
    Your kindergarten and school fees are paid

Hartz IV calculation calculator

Use this link to check whether you are entitled to compensation.

Great sides of Hartz IV for families, even married couples

You have come to Germany and you need help. This is one of the ways to quickly “get back on your feet”!

If you came with a family, one member should find a job, the best way is through an agency (Zeitfirma). After he started working, he applied to the Jobcenter and asked for help – all of which are listed above. If you meet the given conditions, Jobcentar can help you with at least €2,000, and the upper amount is over €5,000.

It is important to remember that these services should not be abused!!!


The Hartz IV benefit amounts to approximately €1,800 per month for a family of four. If you live in a normal place, accommodation costs should not exceed €700, the other €1100 is enough for all your needs.

Cons of Hartz IV

There is a lot of documentation. All income, all bills, everything is strictly recorded.


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