In Germany, prices continue to rise. The expected inflation rate in January 2023 is +8.7%

Relief packages in 2023 to help with rapidly rising inflation

Inflation is anticipated to be +8.7% in January 2023. It is calculated as the difference between the current month and the same month the year prior in the consumer price index (CPI). A crucial indicator of monetary stability is the consumer price index.

The consumer price index tracks the monthly average price changes of all consumer products and services purchased by private households in Germany.

For calculating the consumer price index or inflation rate, Federal Statistical Office use “basket of goods” which includes 650 types of goods and represents all goods and services purchased by private households in Gemany.


Relief packages in 2023 to help with rapidly rising inflation

Gas, heat and electricity price brake from 2023

As reported by the German Statistical Office 80% of consumption is “capped” in proportion to the working price, per the gas, heat, and electricity price brake. In January 2023, the electricity price brake will go into effect, but the price restriction on gas and heat won’t start working until March 2023. So gas users will receive reimbursement for January and February 2023 in March 2023.

Discounted ticket for public transport (local transport ticket) planned from 2023.


“Deutschlandticket” is a new nationwide local transport ticket, planned as the successor product to the 9-euro ticket.


Probabbly in spring 2023 local transport ticket will come with a price of 49 euros per month. The federal states can additionally reduce the price.

However, Germany continues to introduce relief packages for the economy and citizens.

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